Two4Nine- Community Inclusion Support
Two4Nine is a community gallery, creative space and hub for the facilitation of community inclusion support.
We are passionate about providing people who have a learning disability a pathway towards achieving their aspirations. Our strengths lie in employment, community volunteering and the arts, with a rich partnership with the local community. It is our priority to create genuine opportunities in the community that enable relationship building and the recognition of the contribution that the people we support can and do make in their community.
Two4Nine encompasses five main strands including employment support, community volunteering, the arts, health & wellness and skill development. Participation is lead by the person’s interests, values, and goals.
Check out our Two4Nine Facebook page to see what we’ve been up to.
Creative art is a major focus at Two4Nine.
Two4Nine is both an art studio and community gallery space. We proudly present the works of 30 artists in residence and 20 community artists. Our works have been part of exhibitions at Te Uru Gallery and Pah Homestead. We also maintain a presence in local art markets in the community and at Mixt: A New Zealand Made Gift Store.
Community Volunteering
Community volunteering is a way to remain connected and contribute to our local community.
The people we support participate in volunteer roles that are valued by their local community. Each opportunity is set up to foster genuine relationships as well as enriching experience for the people we support and their volunteering teams. These include BARK (Building Awareness Around K9’s), Butterfly House, RESULTS Gym Clean Team, Hallertau Brewery, Salvation Army, Fair Food, Kiwi Valley, Triangle Community Garden, and Project Twin Streams.
We support approximately 240 hours of volunteering back into the community. The people we support who participate are receiving ‘Activity in Community Grants’ through Work and Income.
Health & Well-being
In addition to art and community volunteering, Two4Nine also offers programmes dedicated to support health and well-being. Our regular activities are based at a local YMCA gym, Yin yoga at Results Gym, and Westwave Swimming Pool.
Skill Development
Two4Nine also offers special interest pursuits inspired by the aspirations of the people we support. These currently include Te Reo Maori, fishing, hospitality, and animal care.