Who We Are

A Supported Life is a small provider committed to a flexible, person driven support style that arises from the individuals own aspirations and needs.

A Supported Life is involved with the lives of fifty seven people who have learning disabilities, living in their own homes, in homes shared with 3 or fewer flat mates, and other individualised home life options. We are committed to a holistic approach to the support of each individual’s life and lifestyle by creating networks and natural supports in their community.

Our support includes but is not limited to Promoting and supporting community inclusion and connection, supporting the person to find and maintain employment, teaching home management, budgeting, communication, relationship, social and networking skills, and supporting people to pursue, recreation leisure and artistic expression in West Auckland, New Zealand.

What is a supported life?

A life which we all, as community members, aspire to. One which has quality relationships and flexible support when we need it. One which is rich in friendship and meaningful activity. One which has a focus on aspirations, growth and achievement.

None of us are an island in our own lives. Daily we seek out and are nurtured by the contributions and support others make. A supported life is one of interdependence that allows each of us to make choices and attain our dreams. A life where we take up new and vital opportunities and make contributions to our community and in turn are enriched by that which we do.

In the context of persons with learning disabilities, support in some areas of their lives is created and formalised to empower and enable opportunity, inclusion and contribution to be fully realised.  

Whaikaha - The Ministry of Disabled People, which funds support providers such as A Supported Life, survey and regulate the quality of support and outcomes for persons with a learning disability, through audits related to the Health and Disability Sector Standards.

The Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees. Their role is to provide an oversight of the financial dealings and stability of the organisation.

Check out our facebook page to keep updated with our highlights and celebrations https://www.facebook.com/asupportedlife